Τρίτη 1 Ιουλίου 2014

Georg Ritschl : Orgone energy - A breakthrough that already happened by GlobalBEM

Georg Ritschl : Orgone energy - A breakthrough that already happened

Georg Ritschl at the Breakthrough Energy Movement conference, 2012 Holland Title : Orgone energy - A breakthrough that already happened Run time: 53.56 min Speaker: Georg Ritschl Orgone energy is the name given by Dr. Wilhelm Reich to the omnipresent life energy also referred to as ether, zero point energy, quantum fluctuation, space energy etc. Wilhelm Reich observed that the free flow of orgone energy is supporting all life processes, whereas in a state of stagnation it leads to atrophy, disintegrattion and death. He named the flowing state of this energy POR or Positive Orgone Energy and the stagnating or blocked state DOR or Deadly Orgone Energy. Wilhelm Reich developed an arsenal of orgone concentrating tools such as the Orgone accumulator and the Cloudbuster. (read further below) ______ * Want to receive ALL our updates and quality content we continue to post to this page? This is how: http://bit.ly/GetOurUpdates * Can't make it to the conference and want to support us differently?: http://bit.ly/GlobalBEM_InDiEgOgO * What YOU can do right now: http://bit.ly/GlobalBEM_DoRightNow * Conference Admission Tickets: http://bit.ly/Conference_Tickets ________________________ Out of this wider field emerged the discovery of a material mix called "orgonite" by researcher Karl Welz and the subsequent development of powerful tools for environmental healing by Don Croft from Idaho, USA brought Wilhelm Reich's ideas from academia to "street fighting level". Orgonite showed the empowering effect of converting DOR into POR without needing expert supervision, thereby making it a really empowering discovery. It has astonishing benefits on the level of human health, plantgrowth, reversal of droughts, mitigation of radiation effects and even raising consciousness levels. Orgonise Africa as part of a growing worldwide network of researchers and activists has embarked on the large scale distribution of orgonite in Southern Africa, thereby reversing droughts and creating encouraging signs of desert greening and increased vitality. The presentation will introduce the tools used in this work and show how they are made, thereby empowering all members of the audience to start their own orgone healing project. Bio Dipl. Ing. Architect Georg Ritschl is the founder of the large scale energy healing project Orgonise Africa. (http://ift.tt/WdQ7j2) Based in South Africa. He has done his orgone work in more than 10 African (and some European) countries with often stunning results. Reversal of droughts, greening of deserts, increased rainfall, plantgrowth and human and animal health are the results of this work undertaken by Ritschl, his wife Friederike and a group of friends and associates. Ritschl also explores the connections between the idea of orgone energy and the new emerging scientific paradigm underlying our emerging understanding of the NEW PHYSICS, as well as the effects of Orgonite on consciousness and human behaviour, thereby putting his work in the wider context of the Breakthrough Energy Movement. Ritschl sees himself as pat of a world wide network of loosely connected activists and experimentors from all over the globe sharing in the exploration of a simple but effective technology that has always been kept "open source", allowing it to be adopted all over the world. http://ift.tt/WdQ7j2 Our information main website : www.globalbem.com media website : http://ift.tt/WcJRGn facebook: http://ift.tt/1vqAgcU twitter: http://ift.tt/1vqAgcW youtube : http://ift.tt/Q7HKCn soundcloud : http://ift.tt/1vqAelx If you have any questions about the videos, please contact us at voices@globalbem.com The Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (GlobalBEM) is a non-profit volunteer-powered organization dedicated to educating & activating the public about breakthrough energy technologies which are clean, sustainable and world changing Disclaimer : We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals or as Globalbem, may not agree with everything presented on this video, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth. We are a non-profit organization of volunteers and thus each member or any other person involved in any way, have to take responsibility for their own statements, acts and beliefs. all rights reserved © GlobalBEM 2012

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